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Notary Public Exam
Notaries Public in the United States
The Notary Public appointment is not a national appointment. Notaries Public are appointed by the individual states.
The method of appointment varies from state to state. To learn about the appointment process in your state, contact the Secretary of State of your state, or equivalent officer.
Although the appointment process varies from state to state, a number of states require candidates to pass a written test, among other requirements, before they can be appointed.
These exams vary in difficulty and definitely require careful preparation. Some states supply a booklet containing the information that is the subject of the written test. For example, the NYS Department of State, Division of Licensing Services, has published an excellent booklet, “Notary Public License Law.” It contains all the sections of law you need to pass the Notary Public Exam and to be a well informed and professional notary public.
For many state exams, study guides are available to prepare candidates for the written test.
Usually, the aim of these review guides is to complement the official state publications by highlighting the more important sections of law and offering study tools to help candidates better prepare for the exam.
These study tools may include:
● how to study hints,
● edited sections of notary public law on the scope of the exam,
● law highlights (summaries) to stress and clarify legal facts and areas relevant to
notaries public,
● practice questions and answers,
● practice exams.
The combination of these study tools and the required practice will help candidates achieve their goal of passing the notary public exam and also increase their understanding and appreciation of laws important to notaries public.