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Civil Service Exams

How to prepare for a civil service exam
If I escorted you and a group of other people to the front of a beautiful house and announced that the house would be awarded to the first person who opens the front door, there probably would be a mad rush for that door.
Of course, if the door were unlocked, the fastest runner would probably win the house. However, if the door were locked, then the person with the KEY - even if he or she was not the fastest person - would win the house.
What I am trying to stress is the following: You don’t have to be the most intelligent or educated person to be the highest scorer.
To prepare properly for the exam:
1. NEVER say or think that the "exam is probably a general knowledge exam."
2. Do NOT be a part of the crowd of other applicants who runs into the test unprepared.
3. Try to find out what type of questions were asked on prior exams. The exam announcement usually has some information on the types of questions that will be asked.
4. See what commercial exam guides are available. Pick one of the guides.
5. Do the exercises provided for each of the types of questions and learn from them as much as you can. Study carefully the HINTS provided in the exam prep books.
6. Practice with many examples of test questions. This will provide you the “KEY” to achieving a successful score.
7. Do not keep practicing what you already know. Concentrate on the types of questions that you find difficult.
8. When you think you are ready, take as many practice tests as you can - and take them under simulated test conditions.
9. Again, keep in mind that you don’t have to be the most intelligent or educated person to be the highest scorer.
By following the above suggestions, you will be surprised at how much better you will do!If you need motivation, consider the following quote:
“Always bear in mind that your resolution to succeed is more important than any (other) thing.” - Abraham Lincoln
The day before the test keep in mind the following TEST-TAKING SUGGESTIONS
1. Get a good night's sleep! The night before the exam is not the time to go to a party or to a sports game. Scientific studies have shown that sleep deprivation dulls the mind. If coffee increases your alertness level, have a cup before the test.
2. If possible, try not to cram. If you can, review the exercises, suggestions and hints, and practice tests. If you have been studying correctly, you owe it to yourself to rest. Cramming often hurts instead of helping. Pace yourself each day and you won’t feel the need to sprint at the last moment.
3. Pay careful attention to the time and location of the test site. Plan to get there in comfort and without having to rush. For more than thirty years I have heard many horror stories of candidates not arriving at the test site on time. If you have never been to the test site, make a practice run before the test date to familiarize yourself with the route and to see if there are any transportation problems on the way.
4. Do not go into the test hungry. Eat and drink enough to last you through the test. A piece of chocolate may help during the test. Try not to chew gum or suck on candy because the physical act of chewing may distract you from the questions.
5. At the test site, listen attentively and don’t take anything for granted. Follow directions carefully. Make sure that you don’t miss any information that might help you get a higher score.
6. If you have time, familiarize yourself with the answer sheet you will be using to record answers. Examine the answer sheet and understand how they want you to mark the answers. If there are any problems, bring them to the attention of the test monitor as soon as possible.
7. Understand how many questions you must answer - and the types of questions.
8. Quickly develop a time budget - and during the exam check the time on your watch to make sure you are not falling behind. Do not rely on the test monitor to keep you informed of the time.
9. Usually, every question is worth the same as the other questions. Don’t spend too much time on any one question (unless you have finished all the other questions and are satisfied with your answers).
10. If you find during the test that there are questions for which you believe there is more than one valid answer, do not lose time thinking about it. Select the best answer that you can - and go on.
11. Finally - and very important - if you finish early, do not get up and go home. If allowed, review the exam and your answers.